Saturday, June 12, 2021

Unusual Biochemistry Expanded

 While I was contemplating a Mass Effect game, I came across several races with truly alien biochemistry that find Human food and drugs that were anthesis to their own biology. (Babylon 5 had quite a few of these too). The disadvantage just did not represent this. Admittedly this is primarily designed as a tool for making Racial Templates.

Unusual Biochemistry 

-5 points

You can subsist on human food, but your biochemistry is sufficiently different from that of humans that drugs intended for humans don’t work or have unpredictable effects. Drugs that are specific to your biochemistry work normally, but cost 10 times as much as usual.

When you receive a drug intended for humans, roll 1d:

1-3 Normal effect.

4-5 Normal effect, plus an additional harmful effect of the GM’s choosing: lose 1d FP (sickness and nausea), suffer an amplified version of the drug’s usual negative side effects, etc.

6 No effect at all.



-10 Points

You can subsist on some human foods (50% chance they can sustain you). Drugs that are specific to your biochemistry work normally, but cost 10 times as much as usual.

1-3 Works normally

4-5 Offers no nutritional value.

6 Offers no nutritional value, the character lose 1d FP (sickness and nausea)

But Drugs have a greater chance of simply not working and causing harmful side effects. Drugs that are specific to your biochemistry work normally, but cost 20 times as much as usual.

1 Works normally

2-3 Normal effect, plus an additional harmful effect of the GM’s choosing: lose 1d FP (sickness and nausea), suffer an amplified version of the drug’s usual negative side effects, etc.

4-5 Only the harmful side effects apply.

6 No effect.



-20 Points

Your species is sufficiently removed from the baseline of humanity that you cannot survive off human food. It will either do nothing or make you violently ill.

1-3 No nutrients are gained, but it does not hurt you.

4- 5 In addition to no nutrients being gained, it also makes you sick. Lose 1d FP to sickness and nausea.

6 Whatever it is you consumed makes you violently ill. Lose 1d FP to sickness and nausea, and 1d HP to poison.

Drugs are in a similar situation. Drugs that are specific to your biochemistry work normally, but cost 50 times as much as usual.

1 No effect

2-5 It causes 1d FP damage and 1d HP

6 Almost always fatal 2d FP damage and 3d HP damage


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