Sunday, May 27, 2018

Aeldari (Warhammer 40K for GURPS)

I've been following Games Workshops setting for awhile now, and decided to take a stab at making my favorite race. I've tried to do them justice from a fluff perspective, while making them a little more alien than they have been written in game terms. 

Aeldari 125

DX +1, Will +1, Perception +1, Basic Speed +.5, Tech Level +2,

Acute Hearing 2 [4], Acute Taste and Smell 1 [2], Acute Touch 1 [2], Acute Vision 2 [4], Aeldari Culture [0], Aeldari Language [0], Aeldari Literacy [0], Appearance (attractive) [4], Empathy (Own race only -50%, Always on-10%, Area effect 20 feet, +100%, Biological -10%, Telepathic -10%) [17], Hyperspectral Vision (Biological -10%) [23], Subsonic Speech (Biological -10%) [9], Tetrachomatism [1], Ultrasonic Speech (Biological -10%) [9], Unaging [15]

Unusual Biochemistry [-5], Chauvinistic [-1], Destiny (Soul consumed by Slanesh, Mitigated by Soul Stone -60%) [-6], Discipline of Faith (Paths) [-5], Disturbing Voice [-1], Riddled Speech [-1], Sense of Duty (Large Group: Craftworld) [-10]

Emotion Sense [2], Empathy [2]

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you got some content on your blog and some 40k action to boot.

    If I could add some constructive criticism; since not everyone is a 40k player, it helps to have some descriptive text explaining what your stating is and pic helps a long way as well. Also while not super needed, having a follow up where you explain some of your rational for why you choose to handle a write up they way you did does add do help to round out the post a little.

    Alrighty man, can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Keep it up.


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