Thursday, June 13, 2019

Corruption and Taint

            Corruption threatens anyone who deals with “things man was not meant to know”. It almost always comes from a supernatural source, though super science could also tap into strange and alien realms. Exposure is measured in taint, and the more one receives the greater the chance of side effects.
            When a character is exposed to a source of corruption the GM should note both the dose and date. Each dose diminishes separately from all others. It takes 30 days in a corruption free environment to start dissipating taint at a rate of 10 per day. However, 10% of the original dose will never heal without outside help. This can be magic, ultra tech, spiritual aid, etc..
            Example: A mage calls upon raw chaos to fuel his spell and takes 20 points of taint. After 30 days, that particular dose starts to heal at a rate of 10 taint per day. After 2 days, 18 points are gone while the remaining 2 points, 10% of 20, remain.

Corruption Hazards
            Magic: The use of raw chaos to fuel spells or effects is the quickest way to accumulate taint. Every FP that would have been spent counts as a point of taint.
            Environmental Factors: Some areas are steeped in corruption. They will have a rating of points gained in a particular time frame. For example, a raw wound in reality may give 10/day to anyone in the vicinity, while the site of a black magic ritual only gives 5/week.
            Ingested Materials: Tainted material has a similar rating to Environmental Hazards and will normally be listed separately. Some are toxic as well as tainted.
            Innate Attacks: Any attack with the Corrupt damage modifier delivers one taint per point of damage rolled.

Effects of Taint on Living Things
            When a living being accumulates at least one point of taint, but no more than once per day, for continued exposure to a given source, they must make a Will roll. On the Corruption Effects table below, find the current, total, taint score in the Taint column. Apply the modifier in the “Will” column to their Will roll. Then roll the dice. Use the first result in the “Effect” column on a critical success, the second on a success, the third on a failure, and the last one on a critical failure.

Corruption Effects Table
Over 5,000

The dose has no obvious effect, but doses continue to accumulate.

Tainted, gain a temporary disadvantage. 

Minor Mutation, roll 1d-4 on the mutation tables.

Moderate mutation, roll 1d/2 times on the mutation tables.

Major mutations, roll 1d times on the mutation tables.

By the whim of fate the character either dies or becomes a demonic being.

Corruption and Nonhumans
            The above effects apply to humans and most other creatures. Some. Rare, creatures may have Taint Tolerance. (See end of document.)

Protection from Corruption
            Some materials, objects, or effects offer protection from a source of corruption. These are given a Protection Factor (PF) that reduces your received dose. Divide your dose by PF. For example, a PF of 100 means 1/100 of the dose takes effect.
            Other effects offer an Armor Rating (AR) against taint. These work like standard armor, but only vs sources of corruption.
            A rare few artifacts can offer both.

            Magic offers the surest way to dissipate the lingering affects of taint, there are several spells available for the express purpose of purifying an individual or area. The same can be said for spiritual intervention.
            Science can hide the effects but cannot dispel taint on its own. At least not until you reach TL 10+.

New Advantage

Taint Tolerance

            You are resistant to the effects of corruption. The cost of this advantage depends on the divisor of the effective dose of taint you receive, after dividing it by any other protection factor you may have.
5 points
10 points
15 points
20 points
25 points
30 points
35 points
40 points
45 points

Taint Level as a Mesure of Evil

 Taint levels Corruption Effects Table Level Taint Will Impulse Pts. 1 ...